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New Britain Master Plan

Schuylkill River Trail JFK Blvd


Tow Path Pedestrian Bridge


Good planning shapes good decisions. Our approach to planning facilitates change while preserving what is valuable to the community

Successful planning starts with a vision, engages a broad range of stakeholders, identifies needs, and produces realistic solutions. We develop creative ideas and take them from concept to design. We bring a full range of expertise in project development, including analyzing existing conditions, developing concepts, providing feasibility assessments, recommending policies, and providing realistic cost estimates and funding strategies.


We understand and apply current and innovative best practices in our work. Using graphic design, GIS, 3D technology, and social media, we communicate complex information in an understandable way.

Making transportation investment decisions in a fiscally-constrained environment is an immense challenge. With each project, we are committed to identifying solutions that work best for everyone through collaboration and consensus building. 


Multi-modal Circulation Planning

A balanced, multi-modal transportation network improves safety, reduces congestion, and enhances livability. Successful circulation planning balances the needs of all users while addressing important elements such as land use, economic development, and environmental quality.


We develop circulation plans that reflect the needs of each community. First, we examine conditions to develop an understanding of the problem or need. We then develop concepts and methods to address identified challenges. We seek public input at all stages of the process and work closely with stakeholders to develop solutions. We develop an action plan to carry the project forward and can assist with grant applications to advance initiatives.


The professional services we can provide include:

  • Existing conditions analysis
  • Needs assessment
  • Alternatives development and analysis
  • Concept development/preliminary engineering
  • Cost estimating
  • Funding and implementation strategies
  • Public engagement

Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning

Walking and cycling enhance our quality of life by providing environmental, economic, and health benefits; creating recreational opportunities; and reducing congestion. Urban has planned and designed many multi-modal circulation plans and Complete Streets projects. We also have extensive experience planning, designing, and constructing bike paths and recreational trails.


The professional services we can provide include:

  • Field surveys
  • Pedestrian flow analysis
  • Safety audits
  • Needs assessment
  • Concept development/alternatives analysis
  • Cost estimating
  • Urban & landscape design
  • Public engagement
  • Bike/ped master plans
  • Complete streets plans & policies
  • ADA compliance
  • NEPA documentation
  • Safe routes to school applications
  • Funding and implementation strategies

Aviation Planning

Our airport and aviation planning group helps airports identify and implement realistic capital improvement programs to meet current and future demands for air transportation services. We collaborate with airports nationwide that are working with the Federal Aviation Administration and state departments of transportation to plan, fund, and authorize projects. We also aid regional and state agencies and authorities with developing aviation system plans.


Master plan development, National Environmental Policy Act-related planning, and other planning efforts demand a public and stakeholder outreach process. Airports, permitting authorities, and neighboring communities must work together to find ways to reduce the impacts from aircraft and airport operations and facilities on the quality of life. 


The professional services we can provide include:

  • Demand forecasting
  • Master plans
  • Layout plans
  • Passenger terminal plans
  • Financial feasibility studies
  • Environmental impact statements
  • Land use compatibility plans
  • Noise studies
  • Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) analysis
  • Part 77 and airspace planning
  • Air traffic management
  • Landside, airside, terminal, and facility planning and preliminary engineering

Streetscape Master Plans

Great streets are a spark that leads to safer, more livable, and sustainable communities. Well-designed and constructed streetscapes enrich a community's sense of place while supporting economic development goals. Businesses want to be located on inviting, well-traveled roads, and people want to frequent safe, attractive, and lively streets.


Whether it’s two blocks, a corridor, or a city-wide master plan, we plan great streets.  Our Complete Streets approach caters to the cyclist, pedestrian, motorist, and transit rider. Traffic calming — providing clear, predictable, and appropriate traffic speeds — is an important tool to enhance roadway safety. We help clients maximize available funding, work within budget, and phase work around available funding.


The professional services we can provide include:

  • Visioning
  • Master planning
  • Concept development
  • Traffic calming
  • Transit, bicycle, and pedestrian planning
  • Urban and landscape design
  • Parking inventory and analysis
  • Americans with Disabilities Act compliance
  • Public engagement 

Site and Land Development

Public engagement begins with listening. Our community outreach starts with understanding the project history, area context, community values, and project goals. Engaging stakeholders and building consensus are highly dependent on creating an atmosphere of trust. Facilitation and mediation skills are critical to overcoming obstacles.


Finding creative and effective ways to foster active participation from the broad range of interests on any given project is key to a successful community engagement strategy. Urban tailors each approach to a community’s unique attributes and the needs of the project. Quality graphics are an essential communication tool. We develop websites tailored to our projects and use social media and tools, such as web-based surveys, to engage the public and increase participation.


The professional services we can provide include:

  • Public official briefings
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Working group meetings
  • Public meetings
  • Design charrettes
  • Renderings and 3D visualizations
  • Surveys
  • Newsletters
  • Website development
  • Social media