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Flood Protection and Resiliency

We are empowering communities to address floodplain challenges and enhance climate resiliency, creating a safer, more sustainable future for all.

Service Contact
Peter Brennan, PE LEED AP
Associate Vice President, Deputy Practice Leader for Ports & Waterways

Safeguarding against floodplain vulnerabilities is crucial in a time of increasing climate uncertainty. Urban Engineers specializes in providing clients with the tools and strategies to navigate these challenges confidently.


We go beyond simply mitigating flooding risks; we are committed to creating resilience in the face of environmental changes. Our services range from comprehensive floodplain analysis to climate resilience planning, and we tailor our solutions to fit the unique needs of each project and community.


Our commitment to climate resiliency goes beyond individual projects. We work with communities to develop strategies that promote sustainability and adaptability due to a changing climate. By integrating cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices, we pave the way for a more resilient future.




We offer various services to help clients address floodplain vulnerabilities and promote climate resiliency:


  • Flood Regulation Compliance and Flood Code Expertise
  • Stormwater Management
  • Flood Risk Assessments
  • Flood Mitigation Design
  • Flood Hazard Mapping
  • Coastal Structures
  • Coastal Ecosystems
  • Living Shorelines
  • Climate Change Studies
  • Infrastructure Adaption Planning
  • Infrastructure Transformation
Services Provided:


Urban's primary contact for these services, Peter Brennan, authored a paper comparing local regulations that govern development in floodways and floodplains of several U.S. port cities, analyzing their impact on several model projects.


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