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Safety and Mobility on Main Street

Comprehensive safety measures were essential for the numerous businesses, schools, and bus routes along Main Street in Manville, NJ.

North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority

Urban led the design of critical safety improvements to Main Street in the Borough of Manville, NJ, to create a safer and more accessible corridor for all road users, pedestrians, cyclists, motorists, and transit riders while preserving the downtown’s character. Through NJTPA’s Local Safety Engineering Assistance Program, Urban implemented various innovative safety enhancements to reduce pedestrian risks and improve traffic flow along this vital corridor.


Main Street (CR 533) is a heavily traveled roadway connecting Somerset County municipalities with NJ Route 22. Comprehensive safety measures were essential with numerous businesses, schools, and bus routes in the area. Between 2013 and 2017, the corridor experienced 539 crashes, including 10 pedestrian-related incidents, four bicycle crashes, and a pedestrian fatality. Urban’s objective was to address these safety concerns by implementing solutions that would protect all users while causing minimal disruption to the community.


The 1.5-mile project corridor spanned 15 intersections from Dukes Parkway (CR 608) to Kennedy Boulevard. Urban designed and implemented the following enhancements:

  • A Road Diet reducing the number of lanes from four to three, incorporating a two-way left-turn lane, and adding parking on the northbound side.
  • ADA-compliant intersections with curb extensions to shorten crossing distances and improve pedestrian visibility.
  • Median pedestrian refuge islands offering safer crossing points.
  • Upgraded traffic signals and RRFBs to alert drivers to pedestrian crossings at unsignalized intersections.
  • Green infrastructure improvements, including soil erosion and sediment control plans.
  • Enhanced streetscapes with pedestrian-scale lighting and landscaping to preserve the downtown’s character.
  • Overheight Vehicle Detection System (OHVDS) improvements under the Conrail bridge to prevent collisions.

The project faced substantial challenges, each requiring creative problem-solving and adaptability:

  •  The urgency to implement safety improvements increased after additional pedestrian fatalities occurred during the design phase, reinforcing the need for swift and effective interventions.
  • Despite existing OHVDS warnings, collisions persisted under the Conrail bridge. Urban conducted detailed surveys and AutoTurn vertical simulations to design more effective warning systems, reducing the risk of further incidents.
  • Design teams discovered discrepancies in existing records, revealing that portions of the sidewalk and roadway were on private property. This unexpected issue required additional right-of-way acquisitions and easements to move forward.
  • Due to the pandemic, traditional in-person public meetings were not possible. Urban adapted by hosting virtual Public Information Centers, allowing the community to participate in the design process.
  • Concerns about decreasing parking spaces were addressed through careful design modifications, ultimately resulting in five additional parking spaces.

Urban worked closely with Somerset County, the Borough of Manville, NJTPA, and local partners to ensure all voices were heard. The $7 million project has improved safety, mobility, and aesthetics along Main Street. The result is a safer, more accessible Main Street that supports local businesses, encourages walking and biking, and improves Manville residents’ overall quality of life.


  • Preliminary Engineering & Final Design
  • Coordination & Public Outreach
  • Survey/Base Mapping
  • Utility Coordination
  • Environmental Documentation/Permitting
  • ROW Documentation
  • Bid Consultation
  • Construction Services

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