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route 70 bridge over manasquan river1

Route 70 Bridge over Manasquan River

An aging drawbridge was replaced with a wider and taller fixed bridge that offers pedestrians, vessels, and vehicles safe travel between Ocean and Monmouth Counties, including Jersey Shore destinations. The bridge is also a coastal evacuation route.

Services Provided
Construction Services
New Jersey Department of Transportation

Construction Inspection for Route 70 Bridge over Manasquan River, Ocean and Monmouth Counties, NJ

The $52 million replacement of the Route 70 bridge over the Manasquan River offers a safe, multi-modal coastal evacuation route and link between Ocean and Monmouth Counties. The New Jersey Department of Transportation opted to keep the original, structurally deficient drawbridge open for traffic to Jersey Shore destinations during construction of the replacement, fixed bridge. The drawbridge was later demolished.


Inspection of "Float-In" Cofferdam Shells

Urban provided daily construction inspection and resident engineering services throughout the project. We inspected installation of architecturally treated pier columns and caps. The caps were constructed of precast concrete components connected through post-tensioning. The contractor used precast concrete “float-in” cofferdam shells as driving templates to pour the footings below the waterline.


We also oversaw construction of new bridge approaches and ramps, bridge fender system, two noise walls, four retaining walls, and bulkheads and installation of traffic signals, stormwater management retention basins, manufactured water treatment devices, highway lighting, and ITS improvements.


In Honor of Local September 11 Victims 

The larger replacement bridge provides shoulders, sidewalks, improved lighting, traffic signals, and a wider navigation channel for marine traffic. The bridge connects Herbertsville Road to Riverview Drive in Ocean and Monmouth Counties.


In 2004, the bridge was designated a September 11 Memorial Bridge, in remembrance of the 170 people from Monmouth and Ocean Counties who died in the event. 



  • Construction inspection
  • Traffic control
  • Construction in and over water
  • Environmental oversight
  • Oversight of bridge demolition

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