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Long Beach Transit
Facilities Assessment, Programming Analysis, and Facility Master Plan

Urban led a consultant team to complete the facilities assessment and programming analysis for Long Beach Transit, which culminated in the development of the Master Plan to become a zero-emission bus transit system by 2030.

Services Provided
Program Management
Long Beach Transit
Project Contact
Andrew Royston
Vice President, West Regional Manager

Long Beach Transit (LBT) conducted a major facilities and operations assessment – and the first step was an ambitious plan to become a zero-emission bus transit system by 2030, ahead of California’s 2040 zero-emission goal. LBT operates 35 bus routes serving more than 25 million annual customers in Long Beach and nearby communities. The study produced a Facility Master Plan to foster operational and maintenance efficiency over the next 20 years, while preparing infrastructure to meet the zero-emission goal. LBT will meet California’s mandate by replacing its current fleet with additional battery electric buses and possibly other emerging technologies.


Urban led the consultant team – which included five subconsultants – completed the facilities assessment and programming analysis, which culminated in the development of the Master Plan. The Master Plan outlines the personnel, facilities, and services required to meet vehicle, staff, and ridership needs.

Urban led a team of transit experts to develop a Facility Master Plan for Long Beach Transit, a growing bus service aiming to achieve zero emissions by 2030, ahead of California’s 2040 zero-emission goal.

Evaluation of infrastructure and programming needs included LBT’s service delivery, maintenance operations, and administrative services. Administrative, operations, and maintenance functions are housed in two facilities. The operating and maintenance facility serves 249 buses, a Passport Circulator, paratransit vehicles, and water taxi service. Impacts of introducing new technology and associated maintenance requirements in this facility – as well as training LBT’s more than 800 employees – were key considerations in the facilities assessment.


Other study tasks included:

  • Identifying alternate administrative, transit service delivery, and maintenance program scenarios, based on analysis of current LBT practices and leading industry best practices
  • Determining future needs, identifying facility expansion options, and developing alternate facility site layouts
  • Developing a prioritized program of projects to meet current and 20-year transit service needs, including three facility program scenarios with cost-benefit analyses


Following completion of the Facility Master Plan, LBT now has a timeline of prioritized programming and facilities projects, focused on achieving zero emissions while improving safety and service quality, customer service, financial accountability, and employee engagement.



  • Transit staffing and facilities inventory
  • Peer group analysis, assessment of best practices
  • Programming analysis
  • Development of alternative scenarios to meet study goals
  • Preparation of evaluation methodology, including cost/benefit analysis and real estate assessment
  • Development of Facility Master Plan
  • Stakeholder engagement


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