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ccd dilworth still

Extraordinary event celebrating the Center City District.

Center City District / Central Philadelphia Development Corporation

ccdf ccd

Celebrating Years of Success

The Center City District (CCD) held an event at Dilworth Park in Center City, Philadelphia on the evening of May 5th, 2016.  UVP was tasked to create two videos for the event.  The first video was played earlier on in the night, celebrating the the 25th Anniversary of the CCD and the 60th Anniversary of the Central Philadelphia Development Corporation (CPDC).  The video showcased the energy, vibrancy and synergy that CCD and CPDC created in Center City since their inceptions.  



Center City District Launches the Foundation

Later in the evening, a second video premiered which introduced the Center City District Foundation (CCDF), a charitable affiliate of both organizations in order to support the next generation of public space improvements in Center City Philadelphia. The video illustrated that while CCD and CPDC have accomplished much, there is still a lot to do.


Life After the Party

Both videos have been combined into one video which is currently housed on CCD's website.  The second video is used as a leave-behind after visits to potential large donors and also for use on social media for fundraising purposes.