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Elevating Safety and Connectivity with the Portzer Road Gateway Roundabout
Publication Date
August 14th 2024, 9:00 am

Have you ever noticed how roundabouts make driving so much smoother? Not only do they keep the traffic flowing, but they also create safer roadways.

Urban Engineers is leading this gateway intersection, safety, and improvement project at the intersection of Old Bethlehem Pike and Portzer Road for PennDOT and Milford Twp., in Bucks County. By reconfiguring the problematic, 4-way, stop-controlled intersection into a single-lane roundabout, the project will improve safety, optimize operations, and improve access while preparing the area for future development.


Our new roundabout will address these existing conditions:

  • Safety Enhancements
    By reconfiguring the intersection into a roundabout, the project will significantly reduce the number of angle crashes, which are typically more severe. Roundabouts lower the risk of high-speed collisions by reducing vehicle speeds and removing points of conflict associated with left turns and cross traffic.

  • Improved Traffic Flow
    The roundabout design promotes continuous vehicle movement, reducing congestion and delays commonly experienced at 4-way stop-controlled and signalized intersections. This is particularly important as the area anticipates increased traffic from future developments.

  • Roadway and Pedestrian Infrastructure
    The approach roads will maintain the current 10-foot-wide lanes, transitioning to 18-foot-wide lanes at the roundabout entries. This design accommodates larger vehicles and ensures smooth traffic flow. Additionally, a five-foot-wide sidewalk will be constructed around the intersection, enhancing pedestrian mobility, safety, and visibility.

  • Trail Development
    A bituminous multi-use eight-foot-wide trail will further support pedestrian and cyclist mobility. This trail will connect St. Isidore's Trail with the Blackledge Estates Trail on the west side of Portzer Road, creating a safe and connected route. Interpretive and directional signs will be installed along the trail to provide information about local wetlands and Unami Creek, enriching the community's natural and educational resources.

  • Wetland Interpretive Panel
    Through coordination with the township, a protected wetland adjacent to the intersection will be highlighted along the trail with an interpretive sign that describes the wetland, watershed, and how the transportation facility protects it.


portzer road gateway roundabout before


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Roundabouts are an alternative engineering solution that reduces severe crashes by naturally encouraging lower vehicle speeds and reducing conflict points. They streamline traffic flow, minimizing frustrating stop-and-go conditions while reducing fuel consumption and vehicle emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment.


Additionally, roundabouts are cost-effective, requiring less maintenance than a traditional traffic signal. For vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and bicyclists, roundabouts enhance safety with thoughtfully designed crosswalks and refuge islands, complemented by slower vehicle speeds. In turn, the design ensures a safer and more welcoming environment for all road users, reflecting Urban’s dedication to creating safer, more efficient, and sustainable transportation solutions.


PennDOT District 6-0 & Milford Township, PA


Milford and Richland Townships, Bucks County


Roadway, Traffic, Environmental, CM/CI (Constructability)