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The Bicentennial Bell Finds a New Home at Benjamin Rush Garden
Publication Date
October 2nd 2024, 9:00 am

Bicentennial Bell at the Benjamin Rush Garden

A ribbon cutting was held on the morning of July 13 in Old City, Philadelphia, to welcome people back to the Benjamin Rush Garden. Located at the corner of 3rd and Walnut Streets, the garden is now the new home of the Bicentennial Bell.

The Bicentennial Bell is a historic gift presented to the United States by Great Britain in 1976. This gift celebrated the 200th anniversary of American independence and symbolizes the shared history between the two nations. The bell was a goodwill gesture and a tribute to the historical ties that connect the United States and the Great Britain.

On July 6, 1976, Queen Elizabeth II presented the bell during a special ceremony in Philadelphia. The presentation was part of the larger bicentennial celebrations, which included events across the United States. The Whitechapel Bell Foundry, one of the world's oldest and most famous bell foundries (closed in 2017), cast the bell in London. This foundry was renowned for creating iconic bells, including Big Ben and the Liberty Bell. The Bicentennial Bell weighs approximately 6 tons and is made of bronze, a traditional material for bell casting.

The bell's original location was just a few blocks from Independence Hall in Philadelphia, a historical site where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were signed. The bell was housed in a specially designed tower, which stood as a landmark in the city's historical district outside the park's old visitor center.


In 2013, the bell was removed from its original tower to make way for the soon-to-be-built Museum of the American Revolution, a museum dedicated to telling the story of the fight for independence. Since then, the bell has remained in storage.

Now settled in its new home, the Bicentennial Bell symbolizes friendship and unity between the United States and Great Britain. It continues to welcome visitors worldwide, inspiring them with its rich history and significance.


Urban’s role was to collaborate with Studio Bryan Hanes on the redesign of the garden. By analyzing the existing conditions, as-built drawings, and historical documents, we were able to provide a grading scheme for the site that utilized existing stormwater management features and general flow patterns to enhance the public experience while being cost-effective. The design focuses on eliminating existing stairs, providing ADA compliance, utilizing existing drainage structures, and preserving the historic character of the project site.


As a proud, long-time supporter of the Independence Historical Trust, Urban Engineers provided Urban Video Productions (UVP) services to film the construction and ribbon cutting of the park updates. Documenting this process captures the technical and engineering skills and preserves the historical moment.
