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Super Storm Sandy Recovery

Superstorm Sandy Recovery

The recovery effort encompassed architectural repairs, replacement of ductbanks and substations, track repair, and much more.

Services Provided
Program Management
Flood Protection and Resiliency
Project Contact
Chuck King, PE
Vice President, Office Manager - New York City, NY

Interim Project Management Support for PATH Projects Related to Superstorm Sandy, New York

As part of a Joint Venture, Urban provided Program Management and Project Management (PM) services to PATH in support of the Superstorm Sandy Recovery. In this role, Urban lead the development of the Project Management Plan (PMP) as required by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The PMP is part of the obligation to secure FTA funding.


Sandy's Damage and New York's Recovery

As a result of Superstorm Sandy, the PATH System sustained damage to several stations, tunnels, subsystems – including Power, Signals, and Communications, outside track areas and the maintenance and storage facility in Harrison, NJ. The restoration of the PATH facilities following Superstorm Sandy consisted of an overall program of several projects for restoration, priority protective measures, and resiliency. The program was estimated to be $1.3 B. These representative projects consisted of the following:

  • Architectural Repairs – roof repairs
  • Ductbanks – replacements in the tunnels of concrete and cables
  • Substations – replacements due to flooding and salt damage
  • Harrison Shop – replacement of damaged equipment and systems
  • Track Repairs and Drainage Restoration
  • Vertical Transportation – replacement of elevators and escalators
  • Priority Protective Measures – seawalls, flood barriers

The execution of these projects was outlined in the PMP, which set forth the organization and framework for policies and practices for managing projects funded through the FTA program. This process was outlined in the Federal Code of Federal Regulations, Part 633.25, Contents of a Project Management Plan.


Leading the Effort

Urban's PM team led the effort to organize the PATH and other PANYNJ procedures and guidelines in a document that complied with the Federal Code. The PANYNJ had been designing and constructing transportation and infrastructure projects since the inception of the agency over 50 years ago. The PANYNJ is highly regarded as a builder of large complex projects valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. They have mature organization, procedures, and guidelines for executing projects within budget and on schedule. As the authority relies on tolls for capital, they traditionally self-finance their projects; however, because of the extent of the Sandy damage and the willingness of the federal government to assist in restoring the regional transportation system, PANYNJ elected to utilize federal monies. 


Agency Coordination Leads to Post-Sandy Progress

Urban aligned the PMP with the existing organization and procedures of the PANYNJ. Each section of the PMP was assigned to an Urban Program Management team member with knowledge of the subject. They interviewed PANYNJ managers and modeled the sections to the existing technical and business practices. 


Urban prepared the following sections of the document:
  • Organization and Staffing
  • Environmental Assesment, Mitigation and Compliance(NEPA)
  • Design Management
  • Construction Management
  • Quality Management
  • Project Controls
  • Risk and Contingency Management
  • Procurement
  • Contract Administration
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Reporting
  • Grant Administration
  • Right of Way (Real Estate)
  • Community Involvement


Urban worked with all the PANYNJ departments to compile the PMP, gaining knowledge of the organization, lines of authority and reporting. This led to a rapid and successful consensus throughout the agency and demonstrated to FTA that PATH was ready to receive and manage the covenant required for federal funding.